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TransSkel 3.24
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146 lines
* SkelApple.c - TransSkel 3.0 Apple menu handler
# include "TransSkel.h"
* Default Apple menu handler support variables
* appleID is set to skelAppleMenuID if SkelApple() is called and
* becomes the id of the Apple menu.
* appleSelect is the procedure to execute if there is a non-DA
* selection from the Apple menu.
* appleApplItems is true if the application installs one or more
* items of its own at the top of the Apple menu.
static MenuHandle appleMenu;
static short appleID = 0;
static SkelMenuSelectProcPtr appleSelect = (SkelMenuSelectProcPtr) nil;
static Boolean appleApplItems = false;
* Apple menu handler routines
* If the application installed its own items into the menu and the
* selection was one of them, pass the item number to the selection
* procedure. Otherwise the item is a desk accessory. The port is
* saved and restored because it is not always preserved correctly
* across the call to OpenDeskAcc() (IM I-440).
* DoAppleClobber() disposes of the Apple menu and resets the other
* Apple menu handler variables.
static pascal void
DoAppleItem (short item)
GrafPtr curPort;
Str255 str;
Handle h;
short i;
* If there are application items, determine if item is one of them.
* Can tell by tracking backward through the items; if the gray line
* separating application items and DA's if not found before top of
* menu is reached, then its an application item, else a DA. This
* strategy requires that there be no "-" items in the items string
* passed to SkelApple().
if (appleApplItems)
for (i = item; i > 0; i--) /* look from current to item 1 */
GetMenuItemText (appleMenu, i, str);
if (str[0] == 1 && str[1] == '-')
if (i == 0) /* reached top without seeing line */
if (appleSelect != nil) /* call select proc if there is one */
(*appleSelect) (item);
/* either no application items or selection isn't one of them */
GetPort (&curPort);
GetMenuItemText (appleMenu, item, str); /* get DA name */
SetResLoad (false);
h = GetNamedResource ('DRVR', str);
SetResLoad (true);
if (h != (Handle) nil)
#if skelUnivHeaders
ReserveMem (GetResourceSizeOnDisk (h) + 0x1000);
/* can't use new name for this one in non-universal headers */
ReserveMem (SizeResource (h) + 0x1000);
(void) OpenDeskAcc (str); /* open it */
SetPort (curPort);
static pascal void
DoAppleClobber (MenuHandle menu)
DisposeMenu (menu); /* menu will be == appleMenu here */
appleID = 0;
appleApplItems = false;
appleSelect = nil;
* Install a handler for the Apple menu.
* SkelApple() is called if TransSkel is supposed to handle the apple
* menu itself.
* items contains the title of any items the application
* wants to install at the top of the menu. If items is empty or nil, then
* only desk accessories are put into the menu. If not empty, then the items
* are installed at the top, followed by a gray line, then the desk
* accessories.
* doSelect is the procedure to be called when a non-DA selection is
* made and is passed the item number. If doSelect is nil, the selection
* is ignored.
* SkelApple() does not cause the menubar to be drawn, so if the Apple
* menu is the only menu, DrawMenuBar() must be called afterward.
* No value is returned, unlike SkelMenu(). It is assumed that
* SkelApple() will be called so early in the application that the call
* to SkelMenu() is virtually certain to succeed. If it doesn't,
* presumably there's little hope for the application anyway.
pascal void
SkelApple (StringPtr items, SkelMenuSelectProcPtr doSelect)
appleID = skelAppleMenuID;
/* 024 = apple character */
appleMenu = NewMenu (appleID, (StringPtr) "\p\024");
if (items != (StringPtr) nil && items[0] > 0)
/* application has own items in menu */
appleApplItems = true;
/* add items */
AppendMenu (appleMenu, items);
/* add gray line */
AppendMenu (appleMenu, (StringPtr) "\p(-");
appleSelect = doSelect;
AppendResMenu (appleMenu, 'DRVR'); /* add desk accessories */
(void) SkelMenu (appleMenu, DoAppleItem, DoAppleClobber, false, false);